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The Art of Cancer Navigation An Immersive Experience

August 23, 2024
D. Christensen

Cracking Cancer’s Code of Resistance to Targeted Therapies

In the fight against cancer, targeted therapies offer more precise treatment options that target specific molecules within cancer cells. These therapies, designed to interfere with the growth and survival of cancer cells, have led to significant advancements in cancer care. However, a major challenge remains as tumor cells often develop resistance to these therapies, rendering them less effective over time.

Resistance Happens

Cancer cells are notorious for their ability to adapt. This adaptability is how they develop resistance to targeted therapies. Much like how bacteria evolve to become resistant to antibiotics, cancer cells undergo a similar process of evolution, driven by genetic changes that allow them to survive in the presence of treatment.

As highlighted in a recent article by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), cancer cells can develop resistance because the genes targeted by the therapy change/mutate. These mutations can alter the structure of the target protein, making it less susceptible to the drug. For example, if a drug targets a specific receptor on the cancer cell, a mutation might change the shape of that receptor, preventing the drug from binding effectively.

Engineered Resistance

Interestingly, researchers are now exploring ways to outmaneuver cancer cells by anticipating how they will evolve to resist treatment. According to the NCI, this approach involves “engineering” the evolutionary process. Scientists are studying the patterns of resistance development to predict the most likely pathways that cancer cells will use. By doing so, they aim to design therapies that can either delay the onset of resistance or target multiple pathways simultaneously to prevent it altogether.

This strategy, sometimes referred to as “adaptive therapy,” takes advantage of the fact that not all cancer cells will acquire resistance at the same time or in the same way. By carefully monitoring the tumor’s response to treatment, doctors can adjust the therapy in real-time, staying one step ahead of the cancer’s evolution.

The good news is that although cancer is constantly evolving, so are the strategies to combat it. As our understanding of how cancer cells acquire resistance to targeted therapies deepens, we are better equipped to design treatments that can overcome or even prevent resistance.

For more detailed insights into the mechanisms of resistance and ongoing research in this area, you can read the full article from the National Cancer Institute here.


National Cancer Institute. (2024, August 12). How Tumor Cells Acquire Resistance to Cancer Therapies: Engineering Evolution. Retrieved from

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