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The Art of Cancer Navigation An Immersive Experience

July 24, 2024
R. Driscoll

Chemo and Cavities: How to Prevent Tooth Decay During Cancer Care

Chemotherapy can take a toll on more than just your body; it can wreak havoc on your oral health too. Imagine dealing with painful cavities and tooth decay on top of battling cancer. This is a harsh reality for many cancer patients. Understanding and addressing the dental challenges you might face during treatment can make a significant difference in your overall well-being.

The Silent Threat: How Cancer Treatment Affects Your Teeth

Chemotherapy and radiation treatments, especially for mouth and throat cancers, often lead to dry mouth by damaging salivary glands. Saliva is your mouth's natural defense against decay, as it helps neutralize acids and wash away food particles. Without enough saliva, your teeth become more vulnerable to decay.

Moreover, cancer treatments can cause mouth sores, prompting patients to consume soothing, high-sugar drinks like smoothies. While these might provide temporary relief, the increased sugar can turn into acids that erode your teeth, leading to cavities, sensitivity, and decay. Additionally, many medications prescribed during cancer treatment list dry mouth as a side effect, compounding the problem.

The Growing Epidemic of Tooth Decay

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) label tooth decay a national epidemic. It affects millions and poses severe health risks, including potential impacts on the circulatory system. Nearly 75% of Americans are at high risk for tooth decay due to factors like diets high in sugars and carbohydrates, poor dental hygiene, chronic illnesses like diabetes, and persistent dry mouth from various medications.

Hope for Cancer Patients: The CAMBRA Protocol

There is a silver lining—an effective, affordable solution called CAMBRA (Caries Management By Risk Assessment). Developed by the UCSF School of Dentistry, this protocol is evidence-based, clinically tested, and recommended by the American Dental Association (ADA). CAMBRA focuses on assessing your risk for tooth decay and providing personalized care to prevent and even reverse it.

Through, you can take a free online risk assessment that evaluates your current dental health. The results—ranging from Low to Extreme Risk—determine the specific preventive care you need. A licensed dentist reviews your assessment and prescribes a customized kit with a six-month supply of dental care products tailored to your risk level. This kit, which includes both prescription and over-the-counter items, is delivered straight to your door.

Take Charge of Your Dental Health Today

We strongly encourage all cancer patients to take advantage of the free risk assessment at By understanding your dental health and taking proactive steps, you can protect your teeth from decay and maintain your overall health during your cancer journey. Rx Strength Dental Care at Home

Your journey through cancer is tough enough without the added burden of dental problems. Let us help you protect your smile and improve your quality of life. Take your risk assessment today and start your path to better oral health.

Cancer Help Desk

The information provided by Cancer Help Desk is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or other health care services. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider and talk with your healthcare provider about any questions you may have. 

Cancer Help Desk is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and all donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by tax laws. Tax Identification Number: 92-3967197.

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